Our Approach


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An organisation is a social entity that is structured and managed to achieve a collective goal.  So, organisation design is not just about drawing a new organisation chart.  It is about aligning the many and complex interconnections between people.

All organisations have a structure that governs activities, the people who do them, their responsibilities, and the authority that they exercise.  Actions are coordinated in pursuit of the collective goal.  Structure and coordination are thus the fundamental facets of organisation design.

Our Design Philosophy

By following eight principles, we ensure that organisation design is 

Useful - it emphasises the usefulness of an organisation and aligns people with the activities that add value

Minimal - it concentrates on the essential aspects so that the organisation is not burdened with the non-essential

Understandable - it clarifies the organisation structure and has an obvious logic to it

Detailed - it is not arbitrary; care and accuracy ensure that nothing is left to chance

Unobtrusive - it is neither decorative nor excessive; there is a clear rationale and purpose to every design element

Honest - it establishes trust by being clear about where authority, accountability and responsibility lie

Social - it is sensitive to people’s social needs and allows them to flourish and be nurtured​

Long-lasting - its  underlying principles last for many years; it does not fall victim to the latest fad

Visualise to understand

Large organisations are highly complex, organic entities, with a multitude of many-to-many links between numerous systems.  Analysing organisational data is a big part of what we do.  But this always starts with visualisation.

Structural problems are not always obvious when faced with organisational data in an Excel spreadsheet that runs to 100 columns and 5,000 rows.  Inconsistency, disproportionality, outliers and a host of other structural problems come to the fore the instant the data are visualised.  We are able to see the whole system - the people, their activities, costs, coordination, decision-making, monitoring and control.